The Power of
Giving your time and talent can change a life! There are many ways to get involved with Pikes Peak United Way and our partners!
Check out our volunteer opportunities, as well as our partner agency volunteer opportunities, below!
For questions about volunteering, please contact Bobby, Events and Volunteer Manager.
Feeding Friends Mobile Food Pantry
In partnership with Care & Share Food Bank of Southern Colorado, help Pikes Peak United Way hand out 20,000 lbs of food to between 150-300 families facing food insecurity in our community.
This event is held outside the west parking lot in a drive-through style to cut down on contact. This is an ongoing event on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month, 9:45 am to 1:30 pm.
We need 35 volunteers per distribution and volunteers of any age are welcome!

Corporate Engagement
Volunteer engagement is a meaningful piece to your involvement with Pikes Peak United Way. Participating in corporate volunteer opportunities help strengthen your team. It’s also a great opportunity to learn about local agencies and see how your financial support makes an impact in our community.

Volunteer Groups
Want to volunteer with your friends or a group outside of your office? We can connect you with a unique volunteer experience in our community year-round!

Students United
At Pikes Peak United Way, we love working with schools! Let us help teach students about civic engagement opportunities in our community and instill a lifelong passion for helping others. A great addition to resumes, plus our volunteer opportunities help build and practice skills like collaboration and problem-solving.
For more information on these projects, email Bobby at Bobby@ppunitedway.org