Relief and Recovery
Community Investment Fund
Your contribution to Pikes Peak United Way will address immediate needs as well as long-term challenges that will affect education, income and health outcomes across our community. Funds will go to the Pikes Peak United Way Community Investment Fund to help agencies serving those who have been hit hardest by this pandemic. Even as we confront uncertainty, we are STRONGER TOGETHER. As Coloradans, we have a history of coming together to take care of one another. That is more important today than ever.
Responding to a need
Here in the Pikes Peak region, we’ve overcome disaster before — we’ve made it through fires, floods and recessions together, and we’ve emerged stronger.

Pikes Peak United Way is working with local leaders, agencies and nonprofits to support our community during this pandemic, including the Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management, with whom we have a standing agreement to activate our team to help in the event of a community crisis. We also are working closely with El Paso County Public Health, taking calls from residents in need every day since we were activated.
Many have lost their jobs or are facing financial insecurity due to the virus, and our 2-1-1 team is working hard to connect them to resources. We are partnering with nonprofits to offer food distributions at local schools, delivering food to homebound seniors and activating drives to collect needed items for the most vulnerable in our community. We also are working with Public Health and the University of Colorado Colorado Springs on long-term recovery efforts.
Community Investment Fund
Funds will go to the Pikes Peak United Way Community Investment Fund to help agencies who have been hit hard by this pandemic.
We’ve received generous gifts to help with immediate and long-term challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.