Attention: Pikes Peak United Way, 2-1-1 and the Family Success Center will be closed on Thursday, July 4th.

Our community is powered by
Your contribution to Pikes Peak United Way will address immediate needs as well as long-term challenges that will affect education, income and health outcomes across our community.
There are so many ways to plug in and help Colorado Springs thrive. Gather your friends, family and coworkers and join us in making serious impact, together.
Free Mobile Food Pantry
Come get food for you and your whole family at this drive-up style food pantry! Thank you to Care and Share Food Bank for partnering with us.
Location: Mitchell High School, 1205 Potter Dr.
Dates: Every first and third Thursday of the month. 2/6, 2/20, 3/6, 3/20, 4/3, 4/17
Time: 10:30 am until food runs out.
Upcoming events
There are so many ways to plug in and help Colorado Springs thrive. Gather your friends, family and coworkers and join us in making serious impact, together.
Women United Luncheon
Women United Presents: “Where We Turn in Times of Need”
Where does a woman go when she’s pregnant and suffering from addiction? Where does she go when she can’t feed her family? Where does she go when she’s been evicted and can’t find a place to live. From substance abuse to homelessness, where does a woman turn for support and how can we as a community help these women? This is a lunch you won’t want to miss. Hear from those on the front lines delivering hope, encouragement and resources to escape poverty, homelessness and drug addiction. Lunch will be served, tickets are $25. Seating is limited.
Location: Library 21c
1175 Chapel Hills Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Time: 11:30am Mix & Mingle
12:00pm Lunch & Speaker
VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)
VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) provides FREE tax preparation to individuals and families who have a household income of less than $60,000. VITA sites located in Colorado Springs and Monument offer a variety of daytime, evening and Saturday appointments where free tax preparation and e-filing are available January through April. In most cases, refunds will be returned in just 10-14 days, eliminating the need to pay high fees associated with many instant refund programs. Call 2-1-1 to schedule your appointment.
Colorado Springs Mayoral Forum
Free Mobile Food Pantry
Come get food for you and your whole family at this drive-up style food pantry! Thank you to Care and Share Food Bank for partnering with us.
Location: Sierra High School, 2250 Jet Wing Drive
Dates: Every first and third Thursday of the month. 3/2 and 3/16
Time: 11:00 am until food runs out.
Everyone has a part to play
At Pikes Peak United Way, we believe there is more that connects us than divides us. That’s why Live United is not just a slogan – it’s the vision of a community that believes we are stronger together than we ever could be apart.
We all know someone in need
Whether we realize it or not. Your next door neighbor may be struggling to put enough food on the table. Or your child’s teacher could be a few bills away from homelessness. Need does not discriminate – that’s why we’re here.
Those needs start at the root
We are fortunate to be part of a global United Way network – with resources and insight into “the big picture.” This insight tells us that access to education, healthy living, and financial stability lie at the root of our community’s needs. If we can tackle these initiatives, we know our impact will ripple through Colorado Springs.
People served through Pikes Peak United Way
People received FREE tax filing services
People reached out to 2-1-1 as their first stop when they needed help

Tackling root causes requires a network of nonprofits
We can’t do it alone. Our nonprofit partners are vital to helping every person find the support they need. Pikes Peak United Way acts as the hub – connecting those in need with the nonprofits and resources that can help them get back on their feet. This is only possible through the hard work and dedication of our nonprofit community.
An infinite network powered by you
In the face of so much need, making a difference can feel overwhelming. But what if each person gave just a little? Every gift powers a network of support infinitely larger than any one person. That’s what it means to Live United.
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